2 | The term “performance” can have different meanings depending on the context. Here are some possible definitions of performance: - An act of presenting a play, concert, or other form of entertainment. For example, “Don Giovanni had its first performance in 1787” .
- An act of performing a dramatic role, song, or piece of music. For example, “Bailey gives a sound performance as the doctor” .
- A display of exaggerated behaviour or a process involving a great deal of unnecessary time and effort. For example, “he stopped to fasten his shoelace and seemed to be making quite a performance of it”.
- The action or process of performing a task or function. For example, “the continual performance of a single task reduces a man to the level of a machine”.
- A task or operation seen in terms of how successfully it is performed. For example, “pay increases are now being linked more closely to performance”.
- Data used to track processes within a business. This is achieved using activities, employee behavior, and productivity as key metrics. These metrics are then used by employers to evaluate performance. This is in relation to an established goal such as employee productivity or sales objectives. For example, “What Are Performance Metrics? Definition & Examples”.